Category: Lawn Care Tips

How Much Do Lawn Care Services Cost In Dallas, TX?

If you own a lawn yard, caring for it will come at a financial cost which you need to put into consideration. Different lawn activities have different costs. For instance, lawn mowing can cost as low as $30 and as high as $250 or more depending on the size of the lawn yard. Similarly, lawn aeration can cost more than...

5 Tips for Keeping Your Grass Green During a Drought in Dallas, TX

Watching your once green and healthy lawn looking dry and brown during a drought can be a hurtful experience especially if you’re someone that loves lawns. Unfortunately, drought cannot be prevented completely but its effect on lawns can be mitigated with proper preparation by lawn care services. In this post, we have listed 5 tips for keeping your grass green...

Top 5 Things You Must Know About Warm Season Grass

Warm season grass as the name suggests, are those grass species that grow well in warm season. They’re usually sun loving, drought resistant and durable. Lawn owners who don’t have enough time for lawn care often find warm season grass as a suitable choice. Warm season grasses are usually found in the southern part of the United States, where temperatures...