Category: Grass Cutting

Types of Zoysia Grass in Dallas, Texas

What is Zoysia Grass? Zoysia grass in Dallas is a warm-season grass that has more than 10 varieties. As a warm-season grass, it is commonly found in the southern states. Zoysia grass is prevalent in Texas, South California, Georgia, etc. It is a beautiful, durable, sun-loving but slow-growing species of grass. If you want a lawn that requires minimal mowing...

How Do I Find A Grass-cutting Service Near Me?

What Exactly Is Meant By a Professional Grass Cutting Service Near Me? A grass cutting service can be referred to as a grass-cutting service near me when it is within the vicinity or area of lawn owners who need their services. It can also be used to refer to lawn mowing services that provide lawn mowing within a particular area....

What Is The Best Height To Cut Grass To Prevent Weeds In Austin, TX?

The subject of the best height to cut grass has gone on for years. The consensus by most authorities is to cut only one-third of the length of the grass blades per time. To do this right, the lawn mower blades will have to be set right and mowing will be done on a precise schedule. Unfortunately, not everyone knows...