How Do I Prevent Snow Mold from Growing In Austin, TX?

How Do I Prevent Snow Mold From Growing In Austin, TX?

To understand how to remove snow molds, it’s important to know what it is in the first place. If you regularly delegate lawn care to others or perhaps hire a lawn service in Austin, Texas, chances are you might never have meet snow molds.

If at any point after the snow melts off your lawn, there are patches of white, gray, or pinkish matter left on your grass, what you saw is likely to be snow molds.

This brings us to the question of what snow molds is. We have discussed snow molds in detail in this write-up with information on how to prevent them from affecting your lawn.

What is Snow Mold?

Snow Mold is a fungal disease that attacks your grass usually as the snow melts off of it. In terms of looks, it might appear snow-like while the effect it has on the grass is to mash it up, forming straw-colored strands.

Snow molds live in the soil and under thatch but usually remain inactive all year round only to get active as snow melts. It’s important to do your due diligence and get your lawn care service in Austin to run checks and if possible, treat early for snow mold spores.

Types of Snow Mold

There are 2 types of Snow Mold that affect the grass. Both are destructive but the Pink Snow Mold is worse. They’re as follows:

Pink Snow Mold

Also known as the Fusarium patch, this snow mold species is the worse type.

Grey Snow Molds

Also known as the Typhula blight, the Grey snow mold isn’t destructive but causes problems as well.

Most grass lawns will recover quickly from gray snow mold compared to Pink Snow Mold which causes completely fatal devastation.

How to Prevent Snow Mold

Spores of snow mold settle on the lawn and live on and in the soil during the drier seasons of the year and only become active once there is prolonged moisture.

Lawns with poor drainage will experience snow mold more than lawns with proper drainage. Lawns that grow high and are not mowed low will retain water when snowing begins. This watery interface serves as a medium for the spores to sprout as the snow begins to melt and run off.

It’s advised to have a reputable Austin yard service carry out mowing just before winter sets in. Dethatching the lawn also helps by reducing thatch which can retain moisture on the lawn surface. With a simple garden rake, you can de-thatch your lawn without paying for any yard work in Austin.

Consider removing all forms of debris, organic matter that retains water, and inorganic items that bear down hard on the grass. These elements can cause the retention of moisture at a spot leading to any snow mold spores to sprouting.

How to Eliminate Snow Mold

However, when it comes to a conclusive eradication of snow mold and its spores, the best way to tackle it is to hire a lawn treatment service in Austin, TX to carry out checks and apply fungicides on the affected areas. The fungicides used are chemical compounds formulated specifically for this purpose and should be handled by experienced personnel to avoid accidents.

Lawn Care in Austin is often provided by affordable lawn services near you. Ask questions, run some checks and hire a lawn care service with a great reputation and your lawn will the better for it.

GoMow Lawn Care Services offers a robust but professional lawn mowing experience that’s unmatched in Austin, Texas.

We also offer a free quote when you request our grass-cutting service which we are proud to say is the best lawn mowing in Austin.

Visit our website to get your free quote today, go here –

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