Do you know? the best things you can do for your lawn in Texas

April 7, 2020
Do You Know? The Best Things You Can Do For Your Lawn In Texas

Are you looking to own the most beautiful lawn on in your neighborhood? Trust me, lawn care might look like a lot of work, but it really isn’t when you hire a premier lawn care service in Texas. If you’re looking to know the best things you can do for your lawn in Texas, then this post is for you.

We have taken look at the important tips to you need to make your lawn look great always. If you are a homeowner who has a lawn or you’re looking to have one in the future, these tips will guide your lawn care activities. Of course, you can always hire a professional lawn care person from GOMOW Lawn Mowing, Services, TX.

Here are the best things you do for your lawn in Texas. Enjoy your read!

  1. Fertilize your lawn grass

    It’s important to keep your lawn grass nourished after season breaks. You’d want to fertilize your lawn always so as to keep up the nutrient level to avoid poor growth. Use organic fertilizers as much as possible for the best results. Do not slacken your lawn care during seasonal breaks. Lawns love fertilizer and if applied with wisdom, they will be the better for it.

  2. Take out weeds as soon as they sprout

    Weed control is an essential part of caring for your lawn which must be taken seriously. It is necessary to take out weeds as soon as they turn up on your lawn before they become a bigger problem. Preventive and curative weed control measures are your best bet at taking out weeds. We suggest ensuring that your lawn care company uses pre-emergent weed controls which are effective for stopping weeds even before they take root on your lawn yard. Pre-emergent weed killers are very potent against crabgrass which is the most common weed in Texas. Curative weeds control measures include pulling weeds and applying topical weed killers.

  3. Follow acceptable mowing practices

    Mowing has rules and regulations aimed at helping lawn owners grow their lawn in good health. Most lawn mowing companies will follow these practices without supervision. Best lawn care practices include not cutting your lawn too low, mowing in the early hours, mowing evenly, cutting the lawn with only sharp mower blades, etc. It’s advisable to leave grass clippings on the surface to act as mulch on the lawn yard. If the cut grass is rather long, consider taking them out as they would likely form thatch rather than mulch. Thatch can block out sunlight, suffocate your new grass, and stop nutrients and oxygen from moving around.

    Mowing should be done at least once a week to keep the grass neat. The recommended lawn mowing height is one-third of the length of the grass. Anything lower exposes the grass to the harsh elements especially in a place like Texas. Rather than risk making mistakes, hire a mowing service online to handle your lawn grass. Mow in the mornings at least once a week and your grass will be good to go.

  4. Adequate water provision will keep your lawn healthy

    Watering helps maintain your soil and lawn’s health. Consider watering your lawn twice or thrice a week in hot weather and once in winter. Watering should be done to soak the lawn to about an inch above the surface. It’s important to only water the lawn when temperatures are low so there will be less evaporation.

    One danger of watering too frequently is the risk of flooding the lawn to the point where water sits on the surface. Fungal disease and a pest infestation can become rife if this happens often. We encourage working with a lawn mowing service with good reviews in lawn care to avoid horror stories overwatering.

  5. Take care of lawn diseases as soon as they come up

    Lawn disease doesn’t spread throughout your lawn as soon as they appear. It takes a while especially when the lawn owner is negligent. It’s important to be observant and inspect your lawn from time to time. Take a look regularly to see where your lawn might not be growing well. If it’s your property then you should show care and attention regularly.

    Alternatively, you can hire a cheap lawn mowing service to inspect your lawn if your schedule is always packed to the extent of not being able to stop and smell the roses. As soon as you need the start of lawn disease, tackle it hard and fast before it spreads through your lawn.

  6. Be on the lookout for pests and tackle them immediately

    Pests can be difficult to handle if you allow them to build up over time. Get a lawn care expert to visit your lawn yard weekly to check out your property. Early detection can save you unnecessary expenses and worry. It’s best to leave this one to a professional lawn care service to handle if it ever comes up. Handling requires experience and expertise which means it would be a bit tougher for the average lawn owner to handle by themselves without training.

  7. Consider aeration and overseeding

    Lawn soil becomes compacted after a while of human activity on the lawn surface. When aeration happens, the movement of oxygen, water, and nutrients becomes restricted. Aeration is a practice that involves breaking up and loosening this compacted soil to improve the movement of nutrients and other essential elements in the soil.

    Aeration tools include the pitchfork, gardening hoes, shovels, and other similar lawn care equipment. Larger lawns will require mechanical aerators designed for these purposes and often wielded by professional lawn care services. An average lawn yard owner wouldn’t have a mechanical aerator, a lawnmower is most likely.

    After aerating the lawn, over-seed it with fresh grass seedlings to improve your lawn and give it a new lease of life. When these two practices are combined, your lawn grass is guaranteed to look incredibly beautiful!

    Are you ready to have the best looking lawn in your neighborhood in Texas? GOMOW Lawn Mowing, Texas is available to provide you with the best lawn mowing services.

    Visit us at to book a free quote and get started with us!

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