The GOMOW Blog

Lawn Problems & Solutions

How To Get Rid Of Snow Mold Safely In San Antonio, TX

Spring season is a beautiful time of the year for many reasons. If nothing else, it’s the season of new growth of your vegetation, which includes your garden and grass lawn. A word of caution though, it’s important to protect your lawn from the dangers of snow mold which is rampant as the snow melts off your property. Hiring affordable...

Lawn Problems & Solutions

Best Tips To Identify And Control Snow Mold In Your Lawn At San Antonio, TX

One of the dangers faced by lawns during the winter season is Snow Mold, a cold-season fungus that affects cool-season grasses. Unfortunately, it’s hard to detect in its early stages until it has taken root and started causing damage. Snow Mold can stay dormant for a long period time until the environment becomes sustainable for its development. Its manifestation usually...

Lawn Problems & Solutions

What Is Snow Mold & How To Remove It In Dallas, TX

To care for your grass properly during winter, it’s necessary to look out for snow mold. However, we need to understand what snow mold is and how it affects your lawn after winter. In this post, we have explained in detail what you need to know as a lawn owner whether you hire a Dallas lawn service or not. Snow...