When Should You Aerate Your Yard In Austin, TX?

When Should You Aerate Your Yard In Austin, TX?

Aeration when done right can make your grass more beautiful irrespective of your location. The challenge that most folks have concerns when to aerate the yard, the right tools to use and how best to go about it. Stressed lawns are usually the ones in need of aeration the most, therefore it’s important to carry out aeration just after the heat of summer in Austin.

So when is the best time to aerate the lawn?

In this post, we have discussed in detail when to aerate your lawn for the best results. If you own a lawn yard but have little to no knowledge about when to aerate the lawn, you will learn a thing or two from this write-up.

When Should You Aerate Your Yard in Austin

Aeration is best applied after high-stress periods usually after the heat of summer. Periods of high growth are also an ideal time to aerate the lawn. However, it must be said that the type of grass you have on your lawn also has an influence on when to aerate your yard.

For lawn owners who have clay soil or heavy traffic on their lawns, an aerating year is important to loosen up clogged soil. Lawns with loam or sandy soil can aerate every 2 years especially if the grass is doing well on it.

Typically, cool-season grasses require soil aeration in early spring or fall while warm-season grasses are more suited for early summer and late spring seasons.

Aeration is best done by a lawn service preferably one near you, rather than doing it yourself. Remember, it’s always important to get it right with lawn care and maintenance as mistakes can be damaging to your lawn. For instance, Austin lawn owners will be best serviced by a lawn care service in Austin simply because of proximity concerns among other reasons.

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When to Aerate if You Have Cool-Season Grasses:

It is ideal to aerate throughout the spring and fall growing seasons if you are working with cool-season grasses like bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass.

When to Aerate if You Have Warm-Season Grasses:

Aerate warm seasons of the year, during late spring and early autumn, for warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass, Buffalo grass, St. Augustine, and Zoysia grass. Knowing when to aerate the yard can make all the difference for your lawn yard.

When to Aerate in Spring:

In the spring season, only aerate the lawn after you’ve mowed the lawn a few times. This practice stimulates the lawn to grow quickly to recover from any damages early enough. It also increases spacing and gaseous exchange at the root level.

When to Aerate in Fall:

It’s important to aerate the soil early enough in the fall season so the grass will have enough time to recover and prepare for winter dormancy.

How Often Should You Aerate Your Lawn?

For most lawn yards, hire a lawn service in Austin to carry out aeration once a year to keep things in check. This is especially the case for lawns with heavy clay soil which clogs easily. Lawns with loam and sandy soil can afford to space out aeration for two or three years at a time.

We recommend checking for what works best for you and going for it. Aeration can be done with an aerator, a plug rake, a garden trowel or any other suitable digging device.

What to Do After Aerating Your Lawn

After aeration, the question is what follows next. We recommend the following practices after carrying out aeration on your lawn:

  • Introduce water to moisten your turf after aeration to rehydrate exposed parts of the soil.
  • Apply a suitable fertilizer and/or herbicide combination after aerating the soil. It’s quite easy for weeds to sprout alongside the grass if you’re not careful.
  • Consider reviving your lawn faster by over-seeding it with new grass seedlings. This practice will help your lawn to recover quickly after aeration.

As already mentioned, aeration should only be done by a professional lawn service in your area for the best results. Knowing when to aerate the lawn is as important as doing it correctly for the best results.

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