Spring Lawn Care Steps: 10 Easy Steps to a Beautiful Yard

Spring Lawn Care Steps: 10 Easy Steps To A Beautiful Yard

Starting your New Year’s lawn care routine in the spring is a great idea. As a season of new growth, it’s important to deliver a spring lawn preparation that fits your lawn’s needs. Put factors like grass type, soil type, prevailing weather and current of the lawn into consideration before getting started.

For lawn owners, knowing what to do and how to do it will go a long way in maintaining a beautiful yard. In this post, we have discussed 10 easy spring lawn care steps to undertake to get your lawn in good shape for the new season.

Shall we begin?

  1. Carry Out a Detailed Check of Your Lawn

    After the dormancy and lack of activity in winter, spring season starts with a lot to be done in terms of early spring lawn care. Start the year by checking and assessing your lawn properly to know its present state. Check the state of the grass, the condition of the soil, presence of disease outbreaks and pests, and other factors. You might also wish to test your soil’s PH with a home testing kit. After testing, visit a lawn care service in your area for professional diagnosis. In terms of how you handle spring lawn care this year, this first preliminary inspection can make all the difference. Draw up a plan of action and make changes as the months go by.

  2. Clean Your Yard

    Clean your lawn yard in readiness for spring lawn care. Remove fallen branches, leaves and debris from the lawn. Pack all dirt and obstacles away from the lawn surface. Raking is an effective way of packing all unwanted items into a pile for disposal or composting, if you wish. Cleaning up your lawn gives room for spring lawn care to commence in full swing, usually with mowing, aeration and overseeding.

  3. Prepare Your Lawn Mower

    It’s time to clean up, prepare and warm up your lawn mower if you have one. Bring out the machine, clean exposed and interior parts following the user manual. Grease movable parts accordingly and ensure blades are sharpened too. Fill up the gas tank and check the state of the spark plugs too. Stow away in a cool, dry place in readiness for the first mowing session of the year.

    Alternatively, using a lawn care service for your grass mowing needs is highly recommended. Lawn mowing is often done better when left for professional lawn mowing services to handle. Some lawn care companies can also help to service lawn mowers for their clients. Ask your local lawn service if they offer this service if you’re interested in it.

  4. Aerate the lawn

    The next step in the spring lawn preparation process for season is to aerate the soil to break any compaction. Aeration can be done with an aeration tool rented from a lawn care shop. Mechanical aerators can also be used by a lawn care service to create holes in your soil so it can breathe better, absorb moisture and move nutrients around. Carry out aeration in early spring as the lawn season commences. Frequent aeration isn’t encouraged as too much of it can damage the soil structure. The recommended frequency is once every 2 years for it to be effective.

  5. Overseed the lawn to fill up patchy growth

    For lawns with bare spots, overseeding is how you fill up the affected areas. Overseed by mowing the areas as low as possible; introduce nitrogen-rich organic fertilizer into the soil. Next, moisturize with water before spreading potent seedlings of the same grass species onto the lawn surface. Water every few days and observe the new growth. Mow the lawn after about 3 weeks to make it blend in with the already existing lawn grass. If done right, your grass will show full restoration with no trace of patchy, bare growth like before.

  6. Fertilizer application

    Treat the lawn to a healthy dose of slow-release, nitrogen fertilizers to make up for any nutrient depletion during the winter season. It’s important to follow the instructions on the user manual to avoid costly mistakes. As much as fertilizers are beneficial to plants, wrong usage can also make them dangerous to living things. For proper guidance, consult a lawn company on the steps for fertilizer application during early spring lawn care. Quality fertilizer will feed your lawn with essential nutrients it requires to grow and flourish.

  7. Proper Mowing

    Mowing is one of the most crucial parts of getting ready for spring lawn maintenance. Sometimes, it’s not about mowing the lawn but how and when the lawn is mown. The right mowing technique and timing can determine how your lawn yard will look and how healthy it will be. This is why hiring a lawn care service is recommended. GOMOW Lawn Care Service is a top-notch mowing service for all grass cutting concerns.

    Before starting mowing for the spring season, ensure that the mower is in good condition. It should be cleaned, oiled and ready for use. In addition, mower blades should be sharp and set at the right height so it doesn’t scalp the grass. Mowing lawn grass with dull blades isn’t advised due to the multitude of problems it causes. Dull blades will tear and pull at the grass rather than cut cleanly.

  8. Watering

    Water the lawn as often as it needs to keep it properly hydrated to carry out its metabolic activities. Typically, the frequency could be twice or thrice weekly with a water level of 3 inches per session. Irrigate deeply for 20 minutes during each watering activity. Flooding the lawn must be avoided as much as possible. When done excessively, watering can stimulate the grass to only develop shallow roots due to the high water availability. If there’s a lot of moisture on the soil, do not water the lawn any further. Timing is important too so only water in the early mornings for maximum absorption. Late day watering can create conditions where fungi thrive, causing problems for the lawn.

  9. Tackle weeds

    Eradicate annoying weeds with a pre-emergent weed killer before germination occurs. Ensure to use herbicides that are harmless on your lawn but destructive on weeds. Any unwanted plant growing on your lawn can be classified as weed and should be treated as such. Weed removal is a major spring lawn preparation step as you get your yard for the new season.

  10. Eliminate Pests

    Tackle weeds using safe pesticides preferably recommended by a lawn care service in your area. Ignoring pests is one of the fastest ways to damage your lawn beyond repair. Biological control agents that feast on pests without harming the lawn are also a good option for dealing with pests. Traps are also effective for removing pests from a lawn yard without having to kill them.

    Get started today with your spring lawn care steps today. GOMOW Lawn Care Service is available to deliver a quality lawn mowing service that enhances the look of your home even further.

    Learn more about our lawn services here – https://gomow.com/lawn-care/
