Season by Season Lawn Care Guide by GOMOW Lawn Care Service
Transforming your lawn into a beauty is fairly straight-forward when you hire a lawn service near me. However, as you work with professional lawn care services, it’s important to know what’s expected in each season of the lawn cycle. The basics of lawn care are the same across the board so it’s essential to have an idea of what your needs are during each season.
This season by season lawn care guide for lawn owners provides information on all you need to know to get the best of lawn care in 2024.
Spring Lawn Care
Spring season heralds the return of lawn care for the new lawn care cycle. To a lot of people, spring season is the most important time in the lawn care cycle. There are several activities required for spring lawn care and they’re as follows:
First Cleanup
The first cleanup of the season starts in spring so go ahead to rake dead leaves and fallen branches as winter snow thaws on your lawn. Pack and take out debris from the lawn to ensure there are no obstacles that will hinder other lawn care activities.
Start Mowing
Bring out the mower, clean and oil the movable parts and prepare to mow. Ensure the mower blades are at the correct height. For this first time, cut high to stimulate more growth of the wakening grass. Mowing will yield better results when left for a professional lawn care service to handle. Mowing can be as frequent as weekly at this time depending on how fast the lawn is growing.
Feed the Plants
After winter’s dormant months, lawn grass needs more nutrients to get growing again. Seek counsel from a lawn service near me on quality recommendations for spring fertilization. Not all fertilizer types will work effectively for the spring season.
Tackle Weeds
As lawn grass is getting out of dormancy, weed seedlings are likely to sprout as well. Therefore, it’s important to deploy weed killing compounds like pre-emergent to nip them in the bud figuratively. While herbicides destroy the weeds, lawn grass remains untouched and keeps growing.
Overseed Patchy Spots
As your lawn recovers from winter, it’s easy for it to have lost growth in certain spots. Overseeding is a lawn care practice that can resolve this concern. Overseed your lawn with seedlings from the same grass species on it. When combined with fertilizer application and watering, overseeding will restore the look and health of a lawn in a matter of weeks.
Summer Lawn Care
Summer lawn care comes with regular mowing, pest elimination, weed removal, among other steps. Basically, here are the activities that characterize summer lawn care for 2024 season:
Mow correctly
By summer, the season is in full swing and it’s time to go harder with the lawn mower. Cut the lawn at the right height to ensure there’s no danger of scalping. Hire a lawn care service to ensure professional cutting always.
Tackle pests
Summer will come with new problems; insects and other pests are likely to be active at this time of the year. Treat the lawn with organic pest deterrents that are proven to be harmless to the lawn. Grasshoppers, grubs, worms, beetles and their likes are often very busy in the summer months.
Fertilize the lawn
Whether you have warm season or cool season grass on your lawn, one thing is certain, it will need nutrient supplementation. To this purpose, introduce nitrogen-rich fertilizer to the lawn to boost its capacity to withstand the stress of summer.
Hydrate consistently
Summer is a very hot season, it goes without saying. Keep the grass hydrated and green through the heat by watering properly. Water deeply thrice a week without flooding the yard. The height of the water shouldn’t exceed 3 inches from the surface of the soil. Timing is key too, so do it in the early mornings when absorption will be high.
Fall Lawn Care
With fall around the corner, it’s safe to say that the year is running up nicely. Fall lawn care comes with a few changes. Below are lawn care practices to consider during fall season:
Fertilize more
With the stress of summer quickly subsiding, your grass lawn could be spent and in need of replenishment. If there wasn’t any fertilizer application during summer, fall is a good time to add some rich organic nutrients to the soil. Introduce fertilizer during early fall so that by late fall, the grass would have made use of it. Seek counsel from a lawn care service if bothered about the right fertilizer for fall season feeding.
Overseed bare spots
Bare patches and thin growth may be observed on the lawn in the fall season. Carry out an overseeding exercise to help the lawn fill up again with thick, green, and healthy grass. Overseeding is an essential lawn care practice for restoring poor growth in lawns. Water the lawn once again after overseeding it.
Mulch the lawn
Using a mulch-mower, re-introduce mown and mulched leaves back onto the lawn surface. Mulching provides a rich source of organic nutrient enrichment for lawns. Packing and bagging leaves can seem like a chore after repeatedly doing it. Mulching makes it so much easier to put fallen leaves, cut grass and other organic wastes to good use.
Rake Leaves Often
As leaves drop during fall season, rake often to keep them off the lawn. If mulching isn’t possible for some reason, raking is an effective alternative.
Winter Lawn Care
Winter season means there is a slowing down of lawn care service activities for the year as cold weather sets in. Do the following as part of winter lawn care.
Reduce Foot Traffic
Allow your lawn to breathe during winter. No more walking or playing about on the lawn. Do not park heavy vehicles on it too. Only mow lightly if you must mow the lawn.
Observe the Lawn
While professional lawn care services may pause for the year depending on how frozen the weather is, it’s to your benefit to check your lawn yard from time to time. Any abnormal developments should be attended to if possible.
Plan for the Next Lawn Care Cycle
Prepare your lawn mower and stow it away, with blades sharpened. Keep the lawn clean with debris, as much as you can. Ensure there’s no foot traffic on the lawn during winter.
At this time of the year, make plans for the coming year. Work out better plans with a professional lawn care service on more efficient ways to care for the lawn. Whether you are into DIY lawn care or not, every lawn owner needs professional guidance now and then.
GOMOW Lawn Care Service is committed to delivering an exceptional lawn mowing experience to Texas homeowners. Enjoy affordable pricing and beautiful lawn mowing when you leave your turf for experienced professionals to handle.
If you keep your lawn green and trim, then giving GOMOW Lawn Care Service a shot is more than worth it.
You can learn more about how lawn care works at GOMOW here –