The GOMOW Blog

Lawn Maintenance

What To Know About Lawn Care Maintenance In September

As summer begins to wind to a close, we look back on what we’ve done over the past few months to maintain lawn growth despite the typical brutal summer conditions here in the Plano, Garland and Dallas areas. We have talked about water management, mowing height, grass cycling, proper nutrition for your grass, and even the best flowers to grow...

Lawn Maintenance

Five Lawn Care Maintenance Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Proper lawn care maintenance isn’t as easy as people think, especially here in the Dallas, Garland and Plano areas. Most lawn owners are focused only on what their lawn looks like – they usually aren’t cognizant of the fact that what they’re doing could potentially be very harmful. Here are 5 common mistakes most people make during their lawn care...

Seasonal Lawn Care Guide

The Five Best Flowers to Grow in The Summer

The summer season is now a little more than halfway over, but if you are in the Dallas Plano and Garland areas, the heat has only gotten worse. We’ve talked extensively about lawn care techniques you can use in the summer time to keep your grass green, but what about flowers? While they aren’t the specialty of a lawn care...