The GOMOW Blog

With more than 15 years of experience in Texas, WE KNOW GRASS. wants to be your premier lawn service in Austin and Dallas and we’ve optimized our website to better serve you. It’s not breaking news that mobile phones, tablets and apps provide on-the-spot convenience for emails, social networks and instant access to information. Technology and smart phones are revolutionizing the grass mowing and lawn care business where you can get...

Lawn Care Service

GOMOW February 2015 Newsletter

It’s Ground Hog Day and the world awaits to see if Punxsutawney Phil is correct with his prediction on how long our winter season will last. While we are pondering six more weeks of cold weather, here are some February lawn and garden tasks that will need your attention: Blow-and-Bag Lawn Clipping and Debris Remove Leaf Debris and Gutter and...

Lawn Care Service

Happy Holidays

We hope that everyone is enjoying this holiday season. We’d like to share a recent Neil Sperry “Garden Tip” with the GOMOW community: Those fallen leaves are a wonderful source of organic matter. I also use them as mulch beneath my shrubs and in the perennial beds, but we run them through the mower first. I’ll have them mowed and...