Awakening Or Decay: Dormant Grass Vs. Dead Grass

Awakening Or Decay: Dormant Grass Vs. Dead Grass

Is your grass dead or dormant?

Yeah, they look the same or do they? The truth is this, dormant grass and dead grass actually have a different look. However, to the untrained eyes, both look the same unless you know what to look out for.Dormant grass vs. dead grass, what are the differences?

In this post, we have discussed the differences, what to look out for and how to resolve either condition to have your lawn yard looking beautiful once again. If you carry out lawn mowing often, notice a dormant grass condition and correct it subsequently.

There are ways to tell if your grass is dormant or dead. Dormant grass can recover with a few care practices but dead grass will need to be removed and new seedlings planted.

Let’s get started now.

  1. Uniformity

    This is the key difference. Growth is uniform in dormant grass, but patch in dead grass.

    Dead Grass

    Visually, dead grass turns brown and has an uneven appearance. The grass growth looks patchy and rough. Upon close inspection, you will find out that the grass stems can easily be pulled from the soil. This is a test called the Tug Test – if the plant can be pulled out with ease; the grass is dead, not dormant. If confused, seek counsel from a grass mowing service in your area.

    Dormant Grass

    When grass is dormant, it has an even browning look about it. The brown color is uniform more or less and the growth isn’t patchy. Dormancy can be as a result of heat, cold or other environmental harsh conditions. Resuscitating dormant grass can be as simple as introducing water into the soil. Dormant grass is still alive though it looks dead. When a Tug Test is carried out, you will find out that it isn’t tough to pull out of the soil unlike dead grass.

  2. Tug Test

    When a Tug Test is carried out, while dormant grass is tougher to pull out, dead grass can be pulled out with little resistance. In addition, the stem and roots in dead grass looks wilted or decaying.

  3. Watering

    When watered adequately, dormant grass will recover and become green again in a few days. However, dead grass will not respond to any water application, regardless of how it’s done. A complete removal of dead grass matter and planting of new ones are the way out if it’s a case of dead grass.

Dormant grass vs. dead grass: these few parameters will help you confirm which one it is so the right action can be taken.

Why Does Grass Become Dormant?

Grass becomes dormant when the environment becomes stressful to its growth and existence. Lack of water, extreme temperatures, harsh weather can lead to dormancy. The dormant state is a protective measure to keep the grass protective until there are more favorable conditions.

Winter triggers dormancy in grasses just like summer does as well. To be certain about the state of your grass, whether it is dead or dormant, consult a lawn mowing service to run a check. Being certain of the grass condition will help in resolving the issue.

Why Grass Dies

Grass can die due to a multitude of reasons. It depends on the prevailing factors at the time of the development. In our experience, below are some causes of grass death:

  1. Drought

    Drought is one of the most common causes of dying grass. During the summer, many individuals choose not to water their lawns. Lawns require one inch of water each week, which can be obtained from rainfall or irrigation. Drought damage is more easily caused in dry, compacted areas.

  2. Unchecked Buildup of Thatch

    Thatch is a layer of decaying grass blades that can become so thick that it chokes out healthy grass.

  3. Wrong Use of Fertilizers

    While fertilizer is necessary for healthy, green lawns, too much of a good thing can be harmful to grass. Fertilizers are essentially salts with nutrients added to them, and using too much destroys grass roots and produces die in the shape of brown patches.

  4. Poor Mowing Practices

    Worn-out mower blades rip your grass, causing damage and eventual death. Furthermore, if your mower. Mowing too low can also expose your grass to the elements to a dangerous degree. Hiring a professional lawn mowing service will cut down the risk of this happening.

  5. Bad Watering

    When the grass does not receive enough water, it begins to dry up, leading to death. Walking on the lawn leaves tracks in the grass, this doesn’t happen if the grass isn’t dead. To avoid overwatering, water only when necessary. Do it as early in the day as possible to allow grass blades to evaporate.

  6. Insect Infestation

    Insects leave holes in the leaves and chewed-off patches as signals. Grubs are the most likely culprit if the turf is easily pulled up.

  7. Salt damage

    Salt diffusion from natural water bodies, streets, driveways, or sidewalks. The salt absorbs moisture from the grass, causing it to turn brown and eventually die.

  8. Disease Attacks

    Several diseases attack can kill grass over time if not tackled on time. It’s not enough to hire a lawn service for mowing, it’s important to check for disease outbreaks from time to time too.

How to Tackle Incidents of Dormancy and Dead Grass

Dormant Grass

If your grass is experiencing dormancy, it can be resuscitated with proper lawn care treatments like watering, fertilizer application, over-seeding, etc. Ensure you hire a lawn mowing service experienced in this area to look into the development. Most times, nothing sever will happen and the grass will come to full health.

Dead Grass

A case of dead grass requires professional lawn specialist attention. The entire yard will require clearing, treatment and planting of new grass seedlings, basically a fresh start. Be certain of which condition it is before hiring a lawn maintenance service.

Are you interested in fixing dead or dormant grass? You’d find this post informative in helping you to take the next important steps!

For everything lawn mowing, contact us at GOMOW Lawn Care Service for a professional grass mowing service. We offer a FREE quote for your next lawn mowing need!

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