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How To Plant Grass Seeds? A Step-by-step Guide To Growing A Lawn In San Antonio, TX?

How To Plant Grass Seeds? A Step-by-step Guide To Growing A Lawn In San Antonio, TX

Knowing how to plant grass seeds is what makes the difference between a brown, unattractive lawn and a lush green one. If you can get this one thing right, then your lawns are bound to be one of the very best in San Antonio.

For most lawn owners, it’s recommended to hire a professional lawn care service with regards to anything lawn care. Exceptions can be allowed for homeowners with lawn maintenance experience and who can spare enough time to carry it out on their lawn.

Regardless of what you want to do, whether it’s starting a new lawn yard or you want to plant grass seeds on an existing lawn, knowing how to plant grass seeds will take your lawn a long way in your lawn care journey. As already mentioned, it’s often best to engage a lawn service in your specific area for your lawn planting needs. For instance, if you’re resident in San Antonio, GoMow San Antonio should be your ideal choice.

In this post, we have discussed a step-by-step guide essential to growing a lawn in San Antonio, Texas. You can read through this guide or save the post as a reference point on how to plant grass seeds.

Here are 8 steps to consider when looking to plant grass seedlings on your lawn:

Decide on the type of grass that fits best

Like all plants, grasses come in different species, each with its unique attributes. Some grass species are Cold season grasses, meaning they do better in cold climates while others are warm-season grasses that grow best in warm or hot temperatures. Therefore, it’s important to choose the right grass for your area in the first place.

Planting cold-season grass in a hot location like Texas might spell trouble because the grass simply might not do well.

Below are some warm-season grasses that grow beautifully in San Antonio and the rest of TX:

Here are some examples of cool-season grasses that can grow very nicely in Texas:

If you’re in San Antonio, it’s important to choose warm-season grass for your lawn planting activity. All things being equal, your lawn maintenance in San Antonio will likely know precisely what your lawn yard needs.

In addition to this, the reason why you are planting grass seedlings can determine the choice you make. Certain lawns are more stress resistant than others and will thrive better in lawns with foot traffic. Some other species might require very little water and maintenance.

Cost is another factor that can affect your choice. All grasses are not on the same footing, some have more quality than others and will cost more in the marketplace. Finally, your needs and budget should determine the type of species you end up with.

Test your soil properly

A little bit of testing can go a long way into confirming what will work best for your lawn yard. Knowing the condition of your lawn can go a long way in determining if it’s ready for planting or not. A soil test will confirm things like nutrients, soil PH, water level, soil quality, etc.

“A soil test will indicate what your lawn soil is lacking so it can be refortified with essential elements. Unless trained to do so, do not carry out soil tests by yourself. Hire a lawn maintenance service in San Antonio that offers soil testing for the best results.”

Plant at the ideal time of the season

Planting seeds in winter or summer isn’t ideal. The perfect time to plant seeds on your lawn is spring season, especially for warm-season grass species. For cold-season grass types, fall works really well. If bought in a registered lawn care shop, your grass seedlings will most likely have indications on their packaging on the best time to introduce it into the soil for planting.

Soil preparation is also paramount

Preparing the soil for planting is important to ensure proper growth. Whether you’re planting grass seeds on an existing lawn or setting up a new lawn yard, one thing is certain, you have to prepare the soil for the new grass seedlings.

Ensure that all sorts of debris, obstacles, and thatch are removed from the lawn. Rake the soil to make it softer for the incoming seedlings. If compacted, consider aerating the soil first. Some lawn care services in San Antonio offer aeration services at an affordable rate.

Aerate the soil, treat with herbicides if needed, check for diseases and of course, dethatch the soil completely. By carrying out all these steps, you create an enabling environment for your grass seedlings to grow in good health.

While dethatching removes dead grass and other dry, dead organic matter to give space for the permeation of nutrients and water, Aeration breaks compacted soil into loose form to improve its absorption ability.

Time to plant your seedlings

After preparing the soil, it’s time to actually plant the seedlings. It’s important to use either a hand-held spreader or an auto-spreader for this exercise. For best results, hire lawn maintenance in San Antonio because they are professionals with more expertise and experience.

Spreading can be done by hand if it’s a small lawn or by spreading equipment. For this activity, broad spreading or point spreading can work perfectly well. Simply ensure that your seedlings are dispersed evenly on your lawn so that growth is uniform as well.

Cover the seedlings with light soil

This is necessary to protect the seedlings from being blown away or eaten by birds. Rake a bit of soil over the freshly-seeded lawn to bury a good number of the seedlings with the earth. Using a rake is effective for this though it can be quite time-consuming from larger lawn yards.

Introduce water in needed amounts

After seeding the lawn, the next best thing to do is to introduce water into it. Watering should be done lightly but frequently, at least 2 to 3 times every day. Too much water can flood the lawn and kill the young seedlings just like not watering enough can. Therefore, moderation is key to making watering work for your lawn yard. You must also take the species of your grass into consideration when applying water to your lawn. Each grass type has its unique watering requirements.

Over time, as the seedlings take root and grow up to an inch in height, watering can be increased to several times a week at a higher volume. Finally, at full development, water only once or twice a week to encourage the root system of the grass to be self-sufficient and activate its natural drought-resistant defense.

Mow your new lawn for the first time

If your lawn has become established and grown full, it’s time to enjoy a bit of professional lawn mowing in San Antonio by hiring GoMow Lawn Care Service. It’s estimated that your new grass will take up to 6 weeks to become fully established and ready for its first mowing.

To get mowing right, leave it for the professionals. GoMow Lawn Care Service is as professional as it gets, so you will likely get the best mowing experience with this team. Lawn grass should be cut when they get as high as 3-4 inches tall to avoid the risk of scalping.

Mowing a lawn comes with several steps which your professional lawn care service of choice will take care of prior to mowing your lawn yard. With healthy practices in place, we believe you will enjoy your new lawn with your friends and family as much as possible.

As has been said multiple times in this post, hiring local lawn maintenance in San Antonio, or wherever you’re located is often the best choice. The guys at GoMow Lawn Care Service will treat your lawn right.

All you have to do to experience lawn care in San Antonio at its finest is to head on to to get your FREE quote today.

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