GoMow Lawn Mowing Service

Ultimate Lawn And Landscape Guide For Your New Home In Dallas, TX

Consider this the ultimate lawn and landscape guide for new home owners in Dallas, TX. Having a lawn is one of the most beautiful aspects of being a home owner. In this guide, we have discussed in great detail all you need to own, care for and maintain a gorgeous landscape in Dallas. If you already have a lawn or landscape, or you’re looking to acquire one, you will find this guide super useful! Lawn maintenance in Dallas isn’t rocket science!

Carry out a Lawn and Landscape Inspection First

The first step to owning a beautiful lawn is to have a checklist where you keep records on certain things in your yard. Below are points of interest for your inspection checklist.

Initiate Regular Maintenance Practices

While having a checklist to go by is a great idea for your lawn and landscape guide, carrying out regular lawn maintenance will make all the difference. In this section, we have discussed several lawn care practices that will benefit your lawn and landscape greatly. Please ensure to leave lawn care and landscape maintenance to professionals who have the experience and skill set to get it right.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many times should I mow my lawn yard?

The number of times you should mow your lawn depends on several factors like – the time of the year, growth rate of the grass, grass type, weather.

Generally, at the peak growing seasons usually summer for warm season grass and spring and fall for cool season grass, you can mow once a week.

How do I water my lawn to keep it healthy?

Water the lawn deeply once or twice every week. Consider watering once a week at a height of 1.5 inches above the soil, in the mornings before the sun climbs. Avoid late day watering because absorption is lower leading to mould formation during the night. If you can afford it, go for a sprinkler system.

How do I tackle weeds on my lawn safely?

There are different ways of tackling weeds. Some methods are safer than others. Removal by hand is safe and can be effective. Mulch treatment and lastly chemical treatment by an experienced lawn care in Dallas are top recommendations too.

When is the ideal time to fertilize my lawn?

Introducing fertilizers to your lawn is determined by different factors. It’s also different based on the type of grass on your lawn.

How can I tell if my lawn is affected by pests and diseases?

If you lawn has these concerns, there will be visible signs like, patchy or thinning grass, chewed blades, and presence of insects. Moulds, discolored patches and dying grass may also be observed.

What are some sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to improve my landscape?

Improving your landscape through a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach can involve the following:

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