GoMow Lawn Mowing Service

Is it better to fertilizer before or after lawn mowing in Austin, TX?

One question that plagues lawn owners occasionally concerns the better time to fertilize the lawn. Is it better to fertilize before or after lawn mowing? While some schools of thought think fertilizing should come before mowing, the general consensus is the opposite. Most yard services in Austin consider it a better idea to mow your lawn first before fertilizing it.

Mowing the lawn will clear out debris, organic waste and overgrowth making it easier for fertilizers to get to the soil once applied. Ensure to wait up to 24 hours or more after mowing before commencing fertilization.

In this article, we have discuss in more details why mowing first and fertilizer afterwards is beneficial to the lawn’s overall growth and development.

Why Fertilize After Mowing

In a city like Austin, lawns are often faced with dry, hot weather which makes plant development more challenging. Mowing first before fertilizing benefits the lawn more in these ways listed below:

When to Get the Best Results for Your Lawn

If you’re looking at getting the most amazing outcome for your lawn, there are certain times you must fertilize after mowing the lawn. Timing matters a lot when it comes to proper lawn care, even if you hired professional yard maintenance in Austin.

Consider the following recommendations to make the most out of your lawn:

Generally, spring is the ideal season for fertilizer application after the cold of winter when plants laid dormant. As soon as the ice freeze begins to thaw, do well to engage professional lawn care in Austin to begin your lawn care season.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I fertilize before or after mowing?

It's better to fertilize after mowing to guarantee the fertilizer gets to the soil uniformly and triggers faster nutrient absorption.

How soon can I mow after fertilizing my lawn?

Please wait 24–48 hours after fertilizing the lawn grass before mowing to give the nutrients time to be absorbed by the soil and grass.

What’s the ideal time of year to fertilize in Austin, TX?

Introduce fertilizer in the early spring season (March–May) and early fall season (September–October) for optimal grass growth, development and health.

What type of fertilizer works most effectively for Austin lawns?

Slow-release organic nitrogen fertilizers are great for Austin’s hot and dry climate, as they provide a steady supply of nutrients over time rather than at once.

How often should I fertilize my lawn in Austin, TX?

Typically, lawns should be fertilized 2–3 times a year. Once in spring after the dormancy of winter cold, once in early fall, and possibly in summer if there's a need for it.

Should I irrigate my lawn after fertilizing it?

Yes, add water to your lawn after fertilizing to help the nutrients get absorbed by the grass roots and also to prevent fertilizer burn due to over-concentrated nutrients.

Can I fertilize during the heat of summer?

Kindly avoid adding fertilizer during the peak summer heat in Austin, TX. It's better to fertilize in cooler periods like early fall when the feed will be used more efficiently.

What is the ideal mowing height for Austin's warm season grass types?

For Bermuda grass, leave it at 1.5–2 inches, and for St. Augustine, target 3–4 inches. Regular mowing promotes healthy growth and development of the lawn.

Caring for your lawn doesn’t have to be a headache you have to deal with. GOMOW Lawn Care Service is available to do the job for you! We offer a professional lawn mowing service in Austin dedicated to your lawn’s health and appearance.

Allow us to help you to keep your grass neat and beautifully manicured. Our prices are pocket-friendly and available all through the year in Austin, TX.

Contact us, visit: https://gomow.com/contact-us/.

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