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Best Tips To Identify And Control Snow Mold In Your Lawn At San Antonio, TX

One of the dangers faced by lawns during the winter season is Snow Mold, a cold-season fungus that affects cool-season grasses. Unfortunately, it’s hard to detect in its early stages until it has taken root and started causing damage. Snow Mold can stay dormant for a long period time until the environment becomes sustainable for its development. Its manifestation usually happens as soon as the snow becomes to melt off.

However, it’s important to also note that Snow Mold causes problems on leaves compared to grass. This means that if you have a leafy garden, your trees and shrubs are more likely to suffer Snow Mold than your grasses.

In this post, we have discussed how to identify Snow Mold, its different types, and how to eliminate it from your lawn yard should the need arise at any time during your lawn care cycle. Of course, the best way to care for your lawn remains by hiring affordable lawn care in San Antonio, TX.

Different Kinds of Snow Mold

There are two species of Snow Mold that affect plants. Before carrying out any eradication procedures, there’s a need to identify the type of Snow Mold affecting your turf.

Two types of Snow Molds exist:

Pink snow mold – this form of snow mild is debilitating and seriously causes damage to grass, roots, and leaves. It is very durable and lasts through summer as spores only to become aggressive during the winter months and after months.

Grey snow mold – this specie is mild and doesn’t cause a lot of damage to the lawn. It mostly affects the blades of lawn grass and is known to survive the heat of summer underground or beneath plant debris only to become active in winter as snow thaws.

How to Identify Snow Mold

Snow Mold can be easily identified in the spring season as snow melts. Usually, it appears straw-colored and in circular patches while the grass looks matted down and crusty. In addition to this, it must be mentioned that the circular patches are either pink or gray depending on which specie of Snow Mold is affecting the lawn. Regular inspections from you or your hired lawn care in San Antonio can help identify such causes on time.

How to Stop Snow Mold on Your Lawn

Eradicating Snow Molds from your lawn might mean the difference between struggling to maintain your lawn in spring and summer. As a lawn owner, you don’t want to underestimate how damaging Snow Mold is.

In our experience and studies, below are some ways to take out snow weed before any lasting damages that will cost a lot to repair it. You may need to work with your lawn mowing service in San Antonio, TX to get the kind of result that meets your needs.

  1. Cut off dead stems and branches. Removing dead parts of a plant helps to reduce the likelihood of that part of the plant infecting healthy parts. Pruning can serve as a disease-control activity. The best way to handle this procedure is to book a session with a grass-cutting service in San Antonio.

  2. Use a fungi-killing agent to tackle snow mold. Like all unwanted weeds or parasites, fungi can be eliminated with a fungicide very easily. If snow mold is prevalent in your area, it makes a lot of sense to use fungicides to tackle them. Ensure you do your due diligence before using any chemicals. Hire experts from lawn care in San Antonio to handle any fungicide applications to avoid errors.

  3. Remove refuse or debris. Leaving debris or other such inorganic and organic matter can attract disease-carrying organisms which carry spores of fungi. Pack and remove dirt immediately.

  4. Aerate the lawn to loosen it and break up any clumps containing spores. Aerated soil increases the flow of water so that a disease-causing agent like fungi doesn’t remain in a spot. Use a mechanical or mechanized aerator preferably handled by a lawn service in San Antonio.

  5. Dethatching your soil can stop the spread of harmful snow molds. Spores of fungi that cause snow mold usually live under the ground or in the thatch that forms from cut grass. By dethatching your soil, you can prevent snow mold from taking root in the first place. Thatch hurts your grass in many other ways like blocking out the sun, oxygen, and space for growth and attracting pests.

  6. Mow often to keep your grass clean and trim. Properly cut grass is stimulated the right way by the mowing activity and grows naturally to fight off fungi and other diseases if the attack is mild. In addition, the mowing action will help you spot when things are not right on the lawn.

To hire a cheap lawn service in San Antonio, get in touch with GoMow Lawn Care Service. Get a free quote here –

Items Needed to Tackle Snow Mold

Snow Mold can affect your lawn if care isn’t taken in winter. To stay on top of the situation, you will need certain things to make eliminating snow molds easier. Items such as:

For all your mowing needs, GoMow Lawn Care services offer a grass-cutting service in San Antonio aimed at delivering neatly-mown, green, and lush lawn yards.

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