GoMow Lawn Mowing Service

2024 Complete Buffalo Grass Guide by Gomow

2024 Complete Buffalo Grass Guide by Gomow

When choosing a grass type suitable for the dry plains, picking specie that are tough yet lush and beautiful is an appealing decision. Buffalo grass is durable, heat and drought resistant and can definitely make a lovely green lawn.

In this 2024 guide, we have provided all the key points you need to know about growing and caring for your Buffalo grass lawn.

What is Buffalo Grass?

If you’re asking ‘what is buffalo grass?’ read on to learn more about it.

Native to western and central North America, Bouteloua dactyloides , aka Buffalo grass is a tough, warm-season grass that grows all over the Texas plains. It can grow to a height of 6 to 8 inches in good sun and has a thick, filled-up appearance with little room for bare spots. By all standards, Buffalo grass is considered short but this isn’t a bad thing.

Buffalo grass is close-growing, thick and tolerant to heat and drought challenges. Homeowners who have this species of grass on their lawn will rest easy from mowing as overgrowth is a low risk. If you want a tough lawn species that requires minimal maintenance, Buffalo grass is the answer. It’s easy to provide care for whether you hire professional lawn care services or prefer DIY lawn care.

As an indigenous grass species, Buffalo grass serves lawn owners to near perfection. Advanced lawn care techniques which are often expensive are not necessary to keep it healthy and beautiful.

Merits of Choosing Buffalo Grass

In this section, we have discussed the benefits of choosing a buffalo grass lawn compared to other species of grass. Having this information will inform your choices better.

Minimal mowing require

Buffalo grass requires minimal mowing, thanks to its natural height of approximately 6 inches. The fact that you may not have to mow very frequently makes this beautiful species a winner. Hire GOMOW Lawn Care Service to enjoy amazing price plans.

Great as a Mulch Material

Buffalo grass is grows together, close to the ground leaving little room for bare spots or weeds to encroach. This species is amazing when used as a mulch cover to protect the soil surface.

Requires Less Water than Certain Species

As a well-known drought-tolerant species, Buffalo grass can withstand long periods of drought. It’s a fitting grass type for homeowners who may not always be available to provide water for their lawn.

Soft texture

Buffalo grass has a soft feel when walked on or touched. Unlike some grass types that cause some discomfort, Buffalo grass has a soft texture which makes it great for walking on or outdoor events.

Requires little lawn care

Having this species on your lawn could mean less fees from lawn care services. Buffalo grass care involves somewhat less intensity compared to other grass types because it’s a tough, naturally-occurring grass type.

Demerits of Choosing Buffalo Grass

As awesome as Buffalo grass is, there are some concerns about it that makes it a wrong choice for some lawn yards. Here are cons of Buffalo grass as a grass species:

Regular mowing can be a challenge

Buffalo grass is a short species of grass so consistent mowing isn’t possible. If Buffalo grass is mowed any shorter than it already is, it can get overrun by weeds due to how low it will be. Homeowners who prefer short lawns will fare better with grass that has no issues when cut lower than 3 inches.

Only great during the warm season

As a warm season grass, Buffalo grass is maxed out at this time of the year looking beautiful and green. However, winter time isn’t a good time for this species as dormancy easily sets in then it turns brown and dead-like.

Competes poorly with other plants when cut low

When faced with taller plants, Buffalo grass competes poorly and can lose the battle if scalped too low during mowing. Its close-growing ability is its main defense against competition, but regular mowing can make it too short, exposing it to tall, fast-growing weed types. Mowing height shouldn’t exceed 3 inches ideally.

Not shade loving

Buffalo grass doesn’t do well in a shade. It’s a sun-loving grass type that performs badly when grown in a shaded lawn yard.

How to Plant Buffalo Grass on Your Lawn

If you wish to plan Buffalo grass by seed, it might take quite some time for it to take root. The most effective way to plant Buffalo grass is by using sods or plugs. Any one of the 3 methods can work when there’s adequate Buffalo grass care in place.

However, to plant by plug, these are things you need to know:

Plant Buffalo grass a quarter inch or a half inch deep in special planting pots about 2 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep. Temperature should be slightly above 70 Fahrenheit while the soil should be wet. All things being equal, the first shoots will turn out within 2-3 weeks. Only transplant to the lawn about 8-10 weeks after the grass seedlings have germinated.

To plant Buffalo grass by seeds, do this:

Prepare the soil with tilling, undertake weed control measures, then wait 2-3 weeks before introducing the seedlings. Spread seedlings onto loosened soil at about 1-2 pounds per 1000 sq ft. Rake lightly to ensure there’s a good uniform spread. Keep the soil properly hydrated without flooding it. After 2-3 weeks, germination will take place. Allow about 8-12 weeks of growth before mowing when the grass can be mown down to 2 inches, not less.

To plant Buffalo grass by sods, do this:

Prepare soil, keep it hydrated and loose. Lay sod row by row then go over it with a roller to embed properly into the soil. Introduce rich, organic fertilizer and moisten the surface more to blend it in.

Steps to Consider in Buffalo Lawn Care

While Buffalo grass is tough and requires little lawn care, it pays to know how to grow and care for it so it looks healthy and lush during the summer and fall months. Below are some considerations for Buffalo grass care:

Consider sunlight

Buffalo grass loves sunlight so it’s important not to plant in shaded areas. Open lawn yards are ideal for growing Buffalo grass.

Maintenance requirement

Buffalo grass doesn’t need much care to grow right. Basic lawn care is enough to take care of this grass type.

Moisture is important

Though drought resistant, Buffalo grass does well when the soil is properly moisturized.

Fertilizer application not needed

Once established, Buffalo grass requires no fertilizer to keep growing.

Pests that Affect Buffalo Grass

For homeowners with large lawns, keeping these pests out of your Buffalo grass lawn is crucial. The following pests are known to affect Buffalo grass:

Fortunately, Buffalo grass is immune to disease outbreaks!

Cost of Buffalo Grass

Being naturally occurring, Buffalo grass isn’t expensive to buy. However, it requires work and patience to establish it on the lawn. The easiest option when considering planting Buffalo grass is by laying sod. Average price range would be in the neighborhood of $250 per pallet.

For seed plugs, each costs an estimated $1 per plug. Make your calculations taking your lawn yard size into consideration. If you’re choosing the seedling option, 1 pound of Buffalo grass seed costs $50. By doing your checks and balances at your local lawn care service, shopping for the right choice would be a breeze.

Buffalo grass is a warm season grass, indigenous to the plains of the south. It is durable, sun-loving and drought-resistant. If you’re looking for a grass type that requires minimal lawn care effort, Buffalo grass comes highly recommended. It requires little to no fertilizer, watering only when necessary and irregular mowing to keep green and lush as long as there’s good exposure to sunlight.

With proper Buffalo grass care, your Texas lawn could be one of the most beautiful in your area. We’ve made it possible for homeowners to enjoy quality lawn mowing with ease.

Learn more about our lawn care services at GOMOW Lawn Care Services today.

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